Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have recently submitted my first book to Bill Greenleaf in new Mexico to have it professionally edited before sending it out to publishers. The feeling of having my four year work being sent out for revision is something that falls short on words to describe. I guess we are all afraid of criticism, even if it's for the best. To have these characters that I have molded and shaped for so many years in the hands of another, only to be revised and criticized is something overwhelming.

But on the bright side, criticism makes us better. It allows us to see different sides of something that we have been so focused on. Criticism broadens the horizons of those who are willing to accept it. I for one, have never been to fond of it, but as the years go by I discover that criticism is often the best teacher in our lives.

In all that we create, we have to be sure that constructive criticism is brought to the table - even if it may hurt a little. If a story is worth telling, then it is also worth being written and molded!

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