Monday, April 4, 2011

Moving Art

"Any form of art is a form of power, it has impact, it can affect change--it can not only move us, it makes us move."--Ossie Davis

Every person that has the gift to create is in constant movement. It is a necessity, like breath, like food. We have to constantly be searching for something new inside and there is a deep need to bring it out. A desperate desire to share the sleeping idea that slowly becomes a thought and then - reality. 

As creative beings, we are responsible to use this moving force that dwells inside each one of us. In order to impact others with our creative ideas, we must have purpose for each one of them; goals that will help them achieve their rightful destination.

A life without purpose is a like a long road that one takes. It is long and hard, but in the end, it leads nowhere. 

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